- In case you wanna schedule a professional test, I recommend you follow these steps:
Tester: Hello, we will start our TheBuzzards test with the rules part.
Tester: Please /pmoff and logout from forum.
Tester: You'll be asked 10 questions, you can only answer 2 incorrect
Tester: You have 20 seconds to answer each question.
Tester: Are you ready?
Q1: Can you run inside the base?
No. | Question | |
1 |
Q: What is the minimum score and playtime for joining The Buzzards? A: 1000 score and 200 hours of gameplay. |
2 |
Q: Can you harm your group teammates by any means? A: No, I can't. |
3 |
Q: For how many minutes can you go AFK (Away from keyboard) whilst in-skin? A: 30 minutes. |
4 |
Q: Can you join the group with two different accounts without permission? A: No, I can't. |
5 |
Q: Can you park your own car in the group garage? A: No, only VIP and higher. |
6 |
Q: Can you change the group vehicles colors whilst in-skin? A: No, I can't. |
7 |
Q: Can you carjack your teammate in order to drive his vehicle? A: No, I can't. |
8 |
Q: Can you ask someone to vote on your application? A: No, I can't. |
9 |
Q: If a higher rank (i.e Advisor) orders you to do something, can you ignore him? A: No, I can't. |
10 |
Q: Can you ask a staff member for a promotion? A: No, I can't. |
11 |
Q: Are you allowed to go AFK (Away from the keyboard) whilst in the group vehicle? A: Yes, I can. |
13 |
Q: Are you allowed to leave the group vehicles outside the base? A: Yes, I can. |
14 |
Q: Are you allowed to go inactive for more than 50 days without informing the group staff? A: No, I can't. |
15 |
Q: Are you allowed to go AFK (Away from keyboard) at the spawn point? A: No, I can't. |
16 |
Q: Are you allowed to ask for demotions? A: Yes, I can. |
17 |
Q: Are you allowed to join Vic's Gang while you're a member of The Buzzards? A: No, I can't. |
18 |
Q: Are you allowed to join TGOLS and The Buzzards at the same time? A: Yes, I am. |
19 |
Q: Are you allowed to speak foreign language in the group chat? (/gm) A: Yes, I am. |
20 |
Q: Are you allowed to shock a cop for more than 3 times? A: Yes, I am. |
21 |
Q: Are you allowed to run on foot inside the group base? A: Yes, I am. |
Answered X out of 10 questions
Testing Left Template
[center][legendary=#919191,white,INFORMATION][b]Hello, thanks for applying for the [color=#7a7a7a]The Buzzards[/color]. Before we can [color=#00BF00]ACCEPT[/color] or [color=#FF0000]DENY[/color] you, you have to pass our group test. Our test is simple and easy, it's all based on our group rules knowledge. However, If you think you are ready to get tested, then you may contact one of our testers.
Best of luck![/b][/legendary][/center]
-[Lsrcr]Fierce[/b][/legendary][/center]|[center][legendary=#919191,white,CONTACT US][url=https://discord.gg/jMYbtBJZXP][img]https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/760221024791822336/widget.png?style=banner2[/img][/url][/legendary][/center][/col]
Test Results (passed test)
Test Results (failed test)
Denied Template
[col][center][legendary=#919191,white,REASON][b]Reason must be here[/b][/legendary][/center]|[center][legendary=#919191,white,RE-APPLY DATE][b]DD/MM/YYYY[/b][/legendary][/center][/col]
[center][legendary=#919191,white,CONTACT US][url=https://discord.gg/jMYbtBJZXP][img]https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/760221024791822336/widget.png?style=banner2[/img][/url][/legendary][/center]